Friday, December 5, 2014

Holiday STRESS....Keep calm and PLAN to enjoy the season.

 There are so many choices in life. We can actually choose to be happy. We may choose to be sad, or angry or stressed. We can choose to participate or not participate. We just have to be ready for the outcome of our choice. The holidays seem to cause families to stress out. You may be thinking..."No Steve I don't choose to stress out during the holidays, it is just inevitable". You may be thinking, I don't have a choice to go to grandma's house or Uncle Larry's for breakfast. The school Christmas program is something I have to do, I'm expected to be at the office party. It usually starts in October and doesn't end until after the first of the year. You are right there are things we have to go to during this busy time of the year, but we have the ability to reduce our stress and actually enjoy the season if we have a plan.

A plan will most definitely reduce our stress by organizing our chaos. Let looks at a few ways to develop a plan of attack.

 1. Look at your calendar - Write down all your holiday activities. On each day write down, the name of the event, who will be attending, what you need to bring. What do you need to do to prepare for the event.

2. Prioritize -  Be bold enough to eliminate activities that may interfere with other activities that need more of your attention.

3. Budget - Be sure you can afford to do all the activities that are on your list. DIY projects are very popular now. Plan to use cash instead of credit.

4. Make time for yourself and your marriage - Plan on a relaxing, romantic activity with your spouse. Something you both really love to do. Maybe see a Christmas play together, or a light display.  Don't neglect your marriage during this busy time of year. If you don't plan on it, it won't happen.

5. Do something for someone else - Volunteer your time at a local charity. Giving money is good but giving your time is something that can never be repaid. I know what you're thinking "Steve you just told me to be bold and eliminate some things." It's true I did, but if you have a good plan you can make it happen and you'll feel so good that you gave to others in need. You can make someone's day or their year, just by being nice to them.

Depending on how fast you read...that is my holiday minute.
Merry Christmas everyone!!


Thursday, December 4, 2014



I've been contemplating creating a Marriage and Family Blog for sometime now. I often think, "Why would anyone want to read a blog from me?". Lets face it there are a million marriage & family blogs, books, websites. My hope is you find something in my blog that you can use to further enhance and strengthen your marriage and family to be the best it can be. 

My blogs will be short and to the point. My goal is that you will be able to finish reading my blog in one minute.  

I counsel individuals, families, and couples. I earned a B.A. from Webster University in Business Marketing in 2006. I earned a M. Ed with and emphasis in counseling at Missouri Baptist University in 2009. I continued to be certified as a School Psychological Examiner in 2010. I am currently a school counselor at Festus R-6 School Dist. and a Provisional Licensed Counselor (PLPC) through Moving Mountains Counseling LLC under the supervision of Amie Merz Lic. 002722. I also serve as the Family Pastor of Victory Church. I counsel individuals and families at Victory as well as teach Pre-marital classes and Marriage conferences. 

There...that is less than a minute....